Betting systems (or gambling systems) are methods gamblers use to increase their odds of winning cash at the end of a game session. The general rule is that these systems are designed to help American players walk away with a win in the long run. When players use these systems, they respond to a win or a loss in a predetermined systematic manner in the hope of increasing their odds of winning. On this page, we have a look at what betting systems are, the different types available and whether they work or not. So, read on in our guide to find out all you need to know about them, and then sign up at one of best real money online casino sites and give them a go.
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What You’ll Find On This Page
- What is a Betting System?
- Types of Betting Systems
- Understanding Gambler’s Fallacy
- Do Betting Systems Work?
What is a Betting System?
The quick definition for the term betting system (or gambling system) is that it is a strategy for placing bets when playing a gambling game. The aim of using such a system is to increase the likelihood of you winning bets, or at the very least, making sure that your bankroll goes somewhat further. While players will never truly be able to eradicate the effects of house edge, betting systems is one of the methods in which they seek to lessen it and improve their odds.
Essentially, all betting systems follow the same pattern – players make a bet, which they either win or lose. Based on this result, they then change the size of their next bet either increasing or decreasing it. As they are so easy to follow, players who learn how to use them will quickly begin to add them to their game.
However, it is important to note that betting strategies and systems are not gambling fail safes. They do not guarantee that players will win bets. The aim is just to increase the likelihood of the player doing so. Always remember that a winning streak can come to an end – no matter which gambling strategy a player chooses to use.
Types of Betting Systems
Simply stated, there are two different types of progressive betting systems: positive and negative. All specific betting systems (for example, the Martingale Strategy or the Reverse D’Alembert) fall under one of these two types.
Here’s how they each works:
- Positive Progression – these are systems in which players increase bet size after a win and decrease bet size when they lose.
- Negative Progression – these are systems in which players decrease bet size after a win and increase bet size when they lose.
Overall, if players are wondering which is the best system to use, we’d recommend sticking to positive progression systems. The reason for this is that these systems allow players to capitalize on wins at minimal risk to their bank balance. If you go on a bad run, you also actively minimize the amount of cash you lose each round (although we’d recommend to switch games after a few straight losses.)
The problem with negative progression systems is that they try to recover the money you lose in a bet by placing a bigger bet in the next round. By doing this, players increase their risk of running their bankroll into the ground by using systems like this if they go on a losing streak.
Understanding Gambler’s Fallacy
Gambler’s fallacy refers to the idea that the outcome of a gambling game is in some way magically influenced by the result a player saw in the previous game. While this may seem somewhat odd (or even stupid to some), many players seem to believe in such ideas. An example of such an idea can be seen in a game of random chance as simple as coin flipping. Some players will believe that because heads has appeared several times in a row, tails will need to make an appearance soon, so they’ll bet on that happening.
The problem with this line of thinking is that the results are completely random in a game of chance (i.e. gambling games.). Just because a roulette ball has landed on black in the last three rounds of roulette does not mean that it will land on red the next. The ball really has the same chance of landing on either color regardless of previous results.
It is dangerous for players to think that previous results affect upcoming results, and we really discourage them from making bets based on such ideas. Especially, if it’s a bet that could break your bankroll for absolutely no reason.
Do Betting Systems Work?
First and foremost, the one important thing every player needs to learn about gambling from an early stage is that the house edge never goes away. It will always be there and the house will always have a better chance at winning a wager than a player ever will. This does not mean players will never win, but it is to say that there will never be a strategy that ensures you win every single game (unless you learn how to cheat a casino that is.)
However, if there is anything to take from this guide, it is that betting systems have a chance of reducing your losses and potentially increasing your wins. They are a systematic way of which to think about wagering and can at times help players recoup losses. That said, never ever think of them as a sure way to win money because that they are not.
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